Just another bike-ride…

Yesterday I went out to Crystal Ridge (in Franklin), for a “networking MTB ride.” The idea was that a bunch of business-minded mountain-bikers would get together share some business cards and enjoy the challenging trails. Unfortunately, as I arrived, Jason Kayzar (@jasonkayzar on Twitter), the organizer of the event was leaving. It was cold, rainy, and windy and no one but myself and one other person showed up for the ride. The “other person” had already left and Jason had to get home to Brookfield. So, I resolved to have a ride anyway, as I did get to meet Jason (my networking for the day!) and I was all mentally-psyched for a ride, even in the inclement conditions.
Jason left for home and I parked in the large, mostly empty parking lot. Changed my clothes in the car, then started biking in the light rain that was falling. I managed to get around most of the trails and their being wet was actually a good work-out as I’m not that experienced on wet trails and it is definitely a unique challenge. As stated, I got around most of the normal trails and dared myself to try ascending the skyhill–a bumpy, rutty switchback that can really burn your lungs. Well, I didn’t make it on my bike all the way up, but I did get three-quarters of the way and then had to walk the rest. Once I got to the top, I enjoyed the panorama view or Milwaukee to the N-E. Within two minutes of my achieving the peak, the weather, which had calmed down, kicked into storm-mode and I huddled in an old wooden shack for 10 minutes as the wind blew, the rain fell and the temperature dropped. After the storm’s fit, I was finally able to go back down the hill, get into my car and head on home. Not the best ride I ever had, but one of the most challenging, that’s for sure!
Here’s a few photos for you…the view from the top of the ski-hill, self-portrait while in the wood shack and a triptych from when I got home.