Our Milwaukee, the “buy local” advocacy group I belong to, held its monthly Third Thursday networking meeting at the Wisconsin Humane Society‘s building this past Thursday. The Third Thursday meeting is always an interesting one, as you learn who are the really “early birds” in the group, as the event occurs from 7:30-9:00 a.m.!
This time there were plenty of Milwaukee-area businesses present for networking and for the tour of the Humane Society’s facilities. There was a lot of chit-chatting and everyone had an opportunity to make a 30-sec. introduction to their business, so we all knew who was present. The Humane Society staff was generous enough to bring out a kitten for people to be introduced to and I think a few people were considering taking that kitten home with them! 🙂
I hope I don’t leave anyone out in this listing…
Theresa Kopac: business consultant,
Creative Employment Opportunities
Mark Robers: body-worker