Write your lawmakers because today is “Arts Day – WI”

I wrote to my law-makers today: 
Today is Arts Day and I want to ask you to continue to supports the arts in our community. The arts, be they performing, visual, or whatever DEFINE a community – and equally so, a community’s support of the arts defines its VALUES. No one goes on a trip and tells friends about the great Wal-Mart they saw. They DO talk about the great local businesses they visited, the fantastic art museums they walked through, the fine parks they strolled about, the interesting galleries and performances they took in.
There are MANY of us who understand this in Milwaukee and are constantly working hard to emphasize the creativity of our community. Please don’t let our work be in vain.
I teach photo classes to adults. I organize art exhibits (like this one coming up: https://www.troyfreund.com/?p=5617 ). I teach art to children. ALL of these things help make my community a better place AND they help economically too. Adults who are creative are better problem solvers -whether that problem is one of how to finish an art piece or how to deal with a problem in their neighborhood. Art exhibits make people feel engaged with their community, and their purchasing of art helps the local economy. Children who receive art education do better in all their other school subjects than student’s who DON’T get art ed.
The arts help us in SO MANY different ways. If you support the arts, you support Wisconsin’s growth. So, please, support the arts in as many ways as you can.
Troy Freund
photographer, artist, arts advocate, arts educator

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If YOU want to write your lawmakers, go here!