Local First Milwaukee: at Bucketworks

Local First Milwaukee had another successful “Third Thursday” on April 18. This networking session was hosted by Bucketworks, a long-time LFM member and always an innovator! Bucketworks is a “start-up community” and much more. Businesses work out of Bucketworks, classes get taught there, meet-ups occur often and connections always get made. As ever, despite the early hour, many reps of LFM businesses came out to chat and check-in with each other.

Here’s who I saw present:

Brew City Boxes, My Radiant Skin, Retailworks, Bilt-Rite Furniture, Artworks for Milwaukee, Waterscore, Stef Bartz Photography, Creative Employment Opportunities, WMSE, Alana Women’s Apparel, Bolzano Artisan Meats, Robertson and Ryan Insurance Brokers,  P&N Promotions, Brass Bell Music, Third Coast Inn, Small Shops United, Fondy Farmers’ Market, Nature Haven Moms, WBIC, and Bee-Pods. To learn more about each of these businesses, just find them at the Local First Milwaukee directory!