We’re way overdue for a blog-post, in general, and a RUNNERS post in specific! A few weeks ago, Judy, Rebecca, and I met at the Pettit Center to do a 3-hour training challenge, and to see how many kms we could get on their 443-meter track. After the three hours, we had a brief photo-shoot!

Let’s see what Judy had to say to my normal interview questions…

How old are you? 55 How long have you been running? 30 years

Why do you run? It makes me feel good, I love to be outdoors, to challenge my body, too many reasons to count. 

What is the hardest part of running for you? Plotting routes with bathrooms 

Do you do other sports/athletics? Triathlons here and there

What got you started running? A couple friends and I decided to run the Lakefront Marathon in 1995. 

What sort of distances do you run, and which do you like best? From 5k to 50k to 24 hour. The bigger the challenge the more I like it! 

For anyone just starting to run, do you have any tips to share to? Keep going, it took me a year to run a 5k without walking. But know, there is NO SHAME in walk breaks!

What/who inspires you to run? My friends who love the same crazy things I do and the challenge of new adventures. 

Do you find that time of day makes a difference in how well you run? If so, what kind of difference? First thing in the morning I am usually slower because I’m not hydrated enough nor do I usually eat before I run. I usually mid-day or early evening. I’d love to be an early morning person….but I just love my pillow in the AM unless I have a race or accountability partner awaiting me. 

What is your favorite post-run snack? Kwik Trip sausage, egg and cheese muffin sandwich. 

Do you do competitive runs, and why? Competitive is a loose term. Yes, I do races for the fun and social aspects, and the schwag, but I just do them to help others feel better about beating more people. 

What was your favorite run you’ve ever done – personal run or competitive race? The Big Sur International Marathon. Absolutely gorgeous!