Pregnancy Portrait: Kate
(click to biggen) A friend of mine recently asked me to do a portrait for her – a pregnancy portrait. And, after…
MKE Creatives: Nov 2015: Lauren Fox on novel-writing
November’s MKE Creatives at Anodyne Coffee drew once of the largest crowds we’ve had yet. This group just keeps on growing and…
WI in NYC: Matti
(click the pic to big the pic) New York City houses the dreams of so many people. It IS the city where…
MKE Comicbook: MKE Cosplay 5k, October 2015
October 24, 2015 was the third time in less than a year that geeky folks of Milwaukee came together to have a…
MKE Comicbook Oct 2015: Cull Your Collection Sale
In October, MKE Comicbook had its 3rd annual “Cull Your Collection Sale” to benefit the ComicBook Legal Defense Fund. Everyone brought what…
MKE Creatives: Oct 2015: Jon Henry, on direction
(click the pic, to BIG the pic!) This month’s meet-up at Anodyne Coffee is one I’ve been looking forward to for awhile….
Internet anywhere – the Verizon Jetpack
A lot of people work independent these days – calling themselves by terms like “freelance” or “self-employed”. They might be a photographer…
MKE Comicbook: Sept 2015: Fave non-Marvel/DC and Banned Books
(click the pics to biggen them!) This month’s MKE Comicbook meetup at Anodyne Coffee was a blast! The topic of the night…
MKE Comicbook: Aug 2015: Fave Comicbook Science!
Past MKE Comicbook meetups have focused on favorite characters and stories, but this month our topic went in a direction that’s often…
Milwaukee’s first ciclovia
This past Saturday was Milwaukee’s first “ciclovia” – a temporary closing of multiple lengths of city-streets to auto-traffic, and opening them to…
MKE Creatives: Aug 2015: Lessons Learned
(click ’em to big ’em) (you can also find us on Facebook) This month’s MKE Creatives featured a presenter we haven’t had…
MKE Comicbook: July 2105: Diversity in Characters and Creators
The topic of diversity/representation/appropriation has been a hot topic in the comicbook world in recent months. As it happens, this month’s MKE…
MKE Creatives: July 2015: April Reese talks about pitching to magazines
For the month of July, the MKE Creatives had an interesting discussion with April Reese of Discover Magazine. April is one of…
(click the pics to biggen them) This entry into the RUNNERS archive is looooong overdue. I have known Rachel since I…
Race Re-cap: Junkyard Dog 50k, from Trail Dog Running, LLC
Last Saturday, I ran my first trail 50k. If you spoke with me last Sunday, I’d tell you I would never run…
MKE Comicbook: June 2015: Retcons and Reboots!
(photos at the bottom) Another overdue post – June’s MKE Comicbook had a lower attendance than normal, but as ever, our discussion…
MKE Creatives: June 2015: Beth Handle and getting on the water.
This post is over-due, but better late than never, right? 🙂 The June MKE Creatives meetup featured a presentation from Beth Handle,…
MKE Comicbook: May 2015: Fave Female Characters/Creators
click ’em to big ’em! …The May MKE Comicbook meetup was one I was looking forward to. In the comicbook world, there…
MKE Creatives: May 2015: Erik Ljung on video-journalism
(more photos below) This month’s MKE Creatives meetup at Anodyne Coffee featured a talk with Erik Ljung, a Milwaukee-based, independent, multi-media journalist/artist….
MKE Comicbook: April 2015: Single Issues
This month’s comicbook discussion was a “Best Single Issues” – but we left the standards of that designation open-ended – which was…
MKE Creatives: April 2015: Susan Fry of Optimist Theatre
April’s MKE Creatives had another interesting group of attendees! There was a video producer, photographer, art consultant/writer, character performer, romance writer, software…